
The Proposal for Enabling Inflation on Network Passed

Announcement: We’re thrilled to announce that the proposal to enable inflation on the network has successfully passed on February 7th, 2024 with an impressive 94% participation. This momentous achievement marks a significant milestone in the evolution of our network, setting the stage for exciting developments.

As a result of the new proposal, the reward schedule will follow a ‘Thirdening’ schedule, meaning that each year the emission with decrease by 1/3 every year as opposed to the previous year. As presented on Commonwealth, inflation for the first year will be set to 12.8%.

Find here details about the inflation schedule!

With an outstanding voter turnout, the community has demonstrated strong engagement and commitment to shaping the future of Additionally, the proposal comfortably surpassed the required quorum, further underscoring the widespread support for this initiative.

Enabling inflation on the network opens up new possibilities for sustainable growth, incentivizing participation, and rewarding contributors. This decision reflects our collective vision for a thriving ecosystem that empowers users and fosters innovation.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants who cast their votes and contributed to this historic moment. Your engagement is pivotal in driving the success of and charting a course toward a brighter future.

The vote for the proposal can be seen here!!!

The Proposal for Enabling Inflation has passed with an overwhelming 99,9% YES vote. This decisive outcome paves the way for exciting new developments and opportunities within our community. Thank you to all who participated and contributed to shaping our collective future.

Stay tuned for further updates as we embark on this exciting new chapter together!
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