
Media Archive

RAK DAO and partner to drive AI innovation in the UAE
Humans, a blockchain for AI, has partnered with RAK DAO to help drive AI development and adoption within its Web3-focused Free Zone. The partnership promises to reshape the landscape of AI technology in the region.Exclusive incentives await the first AI companies licensed by RAK Digital Assets Oasis…
Oxford Uni hosts Romania’s AI Government Adviser Robot for a discussion AI governance - The Oxford Magazine
Oxford University hosts Romania’s AI Government Adviser Robot for a discussion on advancing governance with AI.
Humans in the Loop: AI & Machine Learning in the Bloomberg Terminal | Bloomberg LP
The Bloomberg Terminal currently employs AI and ML techniques in several exciting ways, and we can expect this practice to expand rapidly in the coming years.
Intelligence artificielle et politique : les liaisons dangereuses
Pour l’instant utilisée de façon sporadique, l’intelligence artificielle pourrait jouer un rôle important dans l’élection présidentielle de 2027 et dans nos processus démocratiques. Un horizon qui en inquiète beaucoup.
Rumania designa a una inteligencia artificial como consejera del Gobierno
El Gobierno rumano presentó el pasado miércoles el primer consejero gubernamental de inteligencia artificial del mundo, que actuará como puente entre los ciudadanos y el Ejecutivo para informar de sus quejas y peticiones
How Romania is Using NLP As a Political Advisor
Meet the Romanian government’s automated political adviser. The Prime Minister of Romania launched ION, a system that summarizes and organizes public…
Une intelligence artificielle rejoint l’équipe du 1er ministre roumain
Une intelligence artificielle rejoint l’équipe du Premier ministre roumain
Romania PM unveils AI ‘adviser’ to tell him what people think in real time
Nicolae Ciuca says bot named Ion is a world first and that using artificial intelligence is ‘an obligation’ to make better decisions
OK Computer: Romania debuts ‘world’s first’ AI government adviser
Ion will synthesize concerns submitted by citizens into reports for the government to consider.
AI Adviser ‘Hired’ by the Romanian Government To Read People’s Minds
“My role is now to represent you, like a mirror,” the AI, which is called Ion, said at the launch event.
Romania unveils AI govt. adviser that will monitor public’s opinions
Romania has become a European centre of technology and innovation over the last decade, with five top engineering universities. Romanian researchers helped design the AI to support the PM.
Responsible AI can create policies to help ‘better serve society’
According to Dima, AI can absorb and process large quantities of information and then use it to “fill the gap” between people’s opinions and the government.
Romania harnesses AI for data-driven policy recommendations
The bot obtains data from social media scans, usage of a particular hashtag and messages from the public sent through a platform set up for this specific purpose.
New Technologies for AI Solutions
New Technologies for AI Solutions 2024 is gearing up to become the year of AI as OpenAI and Google showcase new technology May has undoubtedly...
A new AI Era: Agentic AI
A new AI Era: Agentic AI In the landscape of artificial intelligence, a new paradigm has emerged, promising to redefine the capabilities of autonomous systems. Termed...
AI Agents: A Journey into Next-Generation Intelligence
AI Agents: A Journey into Next-Generation Intelligence The business world is undergoing dynamic shifts, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies emerges as a pivotal force propelling growth...