
The Blockchain of AIs: How it Works

We may very well be living in the golden age of artificial intelligence as AI technology is witnessing unprecedented growth and implementation in every facet of our lives. From chatbots to content recommendation systems, autonomous vehicles, and video content generation systems, AI seems suited to improve and serve almost any use case imaginable. Unsurprisingly, giants of the tech industry have jumped into the AI race and are constantly trying to outplay each other to achieve AI hegemony.

This energic competition has pushed the technology well over its limits, and as a result, artificial intelligence and all of its subfields have reached new peaks in the innovation department. The question that arises is — at what cost? In their mission to advance technology further and further, companies have made questionable decisions when developing the new generation of AIs. The main concerns revolve around the lack of transparency regarding how AIs are trained, what kind of data is used, and how it is procured. aims to address the pressing challenges surrounding the current AI Ecosystem and help stir its development from a centralized environment to a decentralized one in which AI has a human-centric approach. By developing the Blockchain of AIs, is democratizing the training, execution, and consumption of artificial intelligence at a global scale. Debuting alongside the Humans Mainnet is a new NFT standard designed to represent artificial intelligence on the blockchain called AI NFTs.

How can AIs become suitable for blockchains?

When the world of artificial intelligence meets blockchain technology, AI NFTs are born. is merging the innovative fields of artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to create AI NFTs, a new asset class that enables anyone to own a piece of AI and decide how it can be used. With the technology developed by, NFTs are transformed from a static art form to a complex instrument that enables the creation of AI capable of generating real-world value.

Artificial intelligence and blockchain are two distinct technologies that don’t seem to be compatible, at least at first glance. Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed infrastructure that manages to ensure unparalleled levels of security and trust in the information it stores while also providing unrivaled levels of collaboration. These powerful features made blockchain an ideal foundation for use cases like cryptocurrency and NFTs that challenge the traditional financial system and the art world. Artificial intelligence, on the other hand, is a branch of computer science that focuses on developing technology capable of performing tasks and operations that typically would require human intelligence.

The crowning achievement of is that it brings artificial intelligence to the blockchain to enhance its security, ensure it is developed and used ethically and, most importantly, it is accessible to every human. And its solution is made elegant through its simplicity. In the Humans Mainnet, NFTs are transformed from an art form into containers designed to hold neural networks inside of them. The smart thing about these digital containers is that besides the AI, they also store a set of customizable rules that determine how, who, and for what purpose the AI can be accessed. This is what an AI NFT is.

AI NFTs and the neural networks inside of them can be trained with data to produce specific AI models. For example, an AI NFT can encapsulate a neural network capable of tying together multiple data sets from various sources like tweets, Wikipedia, research papers, and open libraries and generating AI models similar to ChatGPT that knows how to respond based on the information it was trained with. The newly created AI model will also be encapsulated inside an AI NFT. This is just one example of an AI NFT. You can have an AI NFT that has a synthetic voice inside of it capable of speaking fluently in any language of the world or an AI NFT that allows you to create a synthetic avatar and animate it. Even better, you can combine the two to produce a synthetic avatar that can speak. You are limited only by your imagination.

The tech behind the Blockchain for AIs

The Humans Mainnet challenges the current status quo of the AI ecosystem by becoming the first blockchain infrastructure designed to support artificial intelligence products throughout their entire lifecycle by enhancing how AI is stored, executed, and managed. Embedded in the Blockchain for AIs is an extensive toolkit composed of the latest technologies to help stimulate wide-scale adoption and development of artificial intelligence.

Since its early prototype stage, the Humans Mainnet was envisioned as an interoperable infrastructure capable of connecting with third-party blockchains like Ethereum, Polygon, and BnB, to name a few. The idea is to create a global structure centred around the propagation of value surrounding artificial intelligence. To achieve this goal, the Humans Mainnet was designed with the ability to extend its AI NFT functionality to other blockchain networks and to facilitate the circulation of digital assets between them.

To make its vision a reality, the Humans team leveraged the technology from the Cosmos ecosystem, which facilitates a full end-to-end connection that allows any blockchain in the Cosmos ecosystem to interact with other blockchains through the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC), an open-source protocol that links one blockchain to another, enabling trustless communication between the two networks and facilitating the exchange of value through dedicated channels using smart contracts to connect to the chains.

During the development stages, the team concluded that by itself, Cosmos was insufficient to help them achieve their mission. As a relatively new ecosystem, Cosmos is packed with different kinds of wallets, defy tools, NFT marketplaces, and diverse examples of interactivity. To push the boundaries of interoperability even further, the Blockchain for AIs was integrated with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), becoming the first layer one blockchain that can execute AI and is also EVM compatible.

Due to this powerful technological feature, developers and organizations can now leverage established principles, tools, security measures, and libraries from the Ethereum ecosystem to engage with AI NFTs. Another important aspect is that other EVM-compatible blockchains can directly connect to the Humans Mainnet.

The EVM and Cosmos compatibility foster unparalleled levels of flexibility. Through the Humans Mainnet, any smart contract on Ethereum can now harness the power of AI by calling AI NFTs, meaning that the new asset class developed by can carry any value present on the Ethereum Blockchain. For example, you can list a token for your AI NFT on the Ethereum blockchain and pay for its execution in $HEART or Ethereum tokens without needing the services of an exchange. This is an advanced form of interchain interoperability as it ensures both asset interoperability and execution interoperability for AIs.

How interoperability works in the Humans Mainnet

The transfer of digital assets and execution of AI between different blockchains is designed to work seamlessly with the help of the Humans Synapse, a core component of the Blockchain of AIs that facilitates the easy transfer of value between blockchains. The Humans Synapse acts as a state-of-the-art two-way bridge that allows users to effortlessly swap digital assets from one blockchain to another.

An innovative technical feature that makes the Humans Synapse stand out is that it is the first bridge that uses zero-knowledge proofs to claim value, deviating from the industry standard that relies on oracles. Because of this technical innovation, the Humans Synapse is less vulnerable to attack vectors that have caused massive financial damage to blockchain bridges in the past. Synapse was purposely chosen because it symbolizes how blockchains communicate and exchange assets between them, similar to how neurons communicate.

With Humans Synapse, asset transfer between blockchains is straightforward. For example, if a user wants to swap assets from Ethereum to the Humans Mainnet, the first step is to connect to Metamask. Once logged in, the assets are detected. It’s similar to making a deposit at a bank. If you make a transfer between two banks, you have two IBAN accounts, a source, and a destination. In this example, Ethereum represents the source, the address that you sign with Metamask, and the destination is the address. The last step is to introduce the amount you wish to convert, and that’s it. This process also works vice versa, from Humans to Ethereum.

One of the advantages of this approach is that $HEART tokens can be swapped with any digital asset present in the Humans Synapse. From a technical perspective, all the assets listed on the Humans Synapse use zero-knowledge proofs to exist simultaneously on the Humans, Ethereum, BnB, Polygon blockchains, etc. So, practically if a user wants to store their $HEART on Ethereum, or any other EVM or Cosmos-compatible blockchains, they can do so at their leisure. This powerful feature positions the Humans Mainnet as the first layer one blockchain for AIs.

Introducing EVM in the Humans Mainnet means users can use a single Metamask wallet to access multiple EVM-compatible blockchains. Simply put, your address in Metamask will be the same account as your address in the Humans Mainnet, which allow you to use all the tools present in Ethereum inside the Humans Mainnet. Furthermore, every exchange can directly connect without requiring additional protocols to the Humans Mainnet, as they share the same standards as BnB, Polygon, Avalanche, and Ethereum. This degree of standardization greatly benefits developers, who don’t need to acquire additional technical knowledge to use the Humans AI Library or other components of the Humans Mainnet.

In the past, layer-one blockchains derived themselves from Ethereum to minimize fees and provide seamless access to transaction and execution costs. With its unique approach to blockchain and artificial intelligence, changes the tech industry by becoming the first blockchain in the world designed to execute AIs that also extends this functionality to other blockchains through the Humans Synapse.

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