
The Blockchain for AIs is ready to be tested

Presenting the Devnet

We are super excited to announce the upcoming launch of our Devnet as we welcome our amazing community to experiment with the app, and leave feedback.

The Devnet will soon be available for developers who want to explore our blockchain.

If you are selected, we will get back to you. If you don’t get selected, don’t worry, we will progressively allow more network validators to join.

“I know how long people have waited for this so I’m excited to let everyone know that the Devnet will now be available for anyone who wants to begin testing.” - Vali Malinoiu, Head of Blockchain at

About the Blockchain

The Blockchain is envisioned as a Domain-Specific Chain built on top of current decentralized open-source technology, such as the Cosmos SDK. A decentralized open ecosystem powered by human validators, which steward the good use of AI. Built with transparency at heart, our mission is to create a permissionless platform at scale in which anybody can create anything.’s technology implements modern infrastructure solutions with Cosmos, powered by the Tendermint Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus algorithm as the base to optimize the build and address common blockchain problems. The array of ready-to-use instruments currently available on the market enables the straightforward development process.

“For blockchain to enjoy widespread application, it is essential to interoperate and communicate with both external and internal blockchain protocols. It is a crucial aspect for our ecosystem, considering that the future apps built on top of need to interconnect and interoperate with both decentralized and centralized systems.”, states’s Head of Blockchain, Vali Malinoiu.

The team will build a domain-specific chain with multiple layers of consensus, supporting a dPoS consensus algorithm.

Blockchain development will also need to take into consideration composability at the consensus level to ensure each application has its sovereign execution space. In practice, it means that the AI NFTs in can have different consensus rules (governance rules) to use their biometric data to create artificial intelligence solutions that are kept ethical by complex governance, consensus, and verification mechanism (biometric data is used to keep ai honest not to create ai solutions).

“We can leverage different mechanics around when the computation can be performed in the life cycle of a request and when the consensus comes into play. Thanks to this, we can fast track adoption for centralized applications and systems, which is crucial because a substantial part of the value will be derived from regular businesses. To encapsulate all this into a compelling tech solution to be adopted at scale, everything needs to come under one big umbrella, as in a domain-specific chain.”, explains Vali Malinoiu.

About is creating an all-in-one platform for AI-based creation and governance at scale, beginning an initial focus on synthetic media. Through its creative studio and token-based ownership and accountability system, is designed to ensure contributions are fairly rewarded and that every AI is kept honest over the long term. leverages blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to enhance the standard NFT and expand its functionality, transforming it from a static art form to an interactive and intelligent asset class capable of encapsulating neural networks or segments of a person’s digital DNA. The technology, named AI NFT, represents a new type of NFT that enables people to use their biometric data to create artificial intelligence solutions that are kept ethical by complex governance, consensus, and verification mechanisms.’s unique consensus mechanism, Proof-of-Human, will be integrated to demonstrate there is a real human behind every transaction, making it more secure and trustworthy.

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