
NFTs Short Stories (Ep. 4) — The importance of NFT properties

Hello, humans! Grab a seat and get comfy as we have released a new episode of NFTs Short Stories! Get ready to feast your eyes and learn more about the importance of NFTs properties and how they determine their rarity and subsequent value.

Rarity — the state and quality of being rare is an essential aspect of every collectable, and you can’t get more unique than NFTs. Join Roxy as she explains why NFT properties, also known as traits, are important in determining its rarity and why you should care.

The rarity of an NFT is determined by the frequency in which the traits and characteristics that compose it appear within the given collection. Simply put, rarity determines the value of an NFT.

NFTs are artworks comprised of multiple visual traits that need to be categorized. For example, each NFT from the NFT collection, available on OpenSea, has a series of distinct traits like aura, base, context, head, heart, and soul that appear in the collection at a certain frequency. These traits are randomized by an AI to generate an NFT collection where each NFT is unique. But some have more uncommon traits, making them rarer. This is what makes NFTs highly tradeable as a collectable. The rarer an NFT is, the more valuable it becomes, which means you can resell it for a higher price.

Tune in to see Roxy delve deeper into this topic, and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel:

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