
Intelligent governance of AIs

Not too long ago, the idea of owning and interacting with artificial intelligence seemed confined to science fiction movies and books, but recent advances in technology have transformed AI into an integral component of our daily lives. Although the progress made in this field is undeniable, there are still pressing questions related to how AI is managed, trained, used, and owned.

The Humans Blockchain of AIs challenges the existing AI paradigm by bringing this technology into a decentralized blockchain framework where everyone, irrespective of their tech skills, can interact, own and contribute to the development of AI.

The winning idea of is to put together the innovative fields of artificial intelligence and nonfungible tokens, respectively, blockchain technology, to create AI NFTs, a new type of asset class that enables anyone to own a piece of AI and determine how it will be used. With the technology developed by, NFTs are transformed from static digital assets into complex instruments that enable the creation of AI that generates real-world value. Furthermore, is facilitating the creation of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) around each AI NFT to streamline the governance of AI and democratize AI creation and ownership.

Introducing AIs to the Blockchain

In order to make this initial introduction blossom into a long-lasting relationship, encapsulated the concept of AI into a non-fungible token, merging these two technologies into a new digital asset that enables the execution of AIs on the Blockchain. To keep it short and comprehensive, AI NFTs are neural networks encapsulated into an NFT to enhance governance, management, and consumption. Incorporating AI and governance capabilities into NFTs evolves them from basic proofs of ownership to intelligent, self-governing forms of ownership that enable richer experiences and a higher utility for researchers, artists, AI creators, and businesses who wish to streamline operations or increase brand awareness with the help of AI.

AI NFTs and the neural networks inside of them can be trained with data to produce specific AI models. For example, an AI NFT can encapsulate a neural network capable of tying together multiple data sets from various sources like tweets, Wikipedia, research papers, and open libraries to generate AI models similar to ChatGPT that knows how to respond based on the information it was trained with.

The resulting AI model, and consequently all the work done by the engineers, scientists, and data curators, will also be encapsulated inside a so-called AI NFT, which raises questions concerning how they are managed and protected. To circumvent any potential misuse of the technology, designed AI NFTs with inbuilt governance and treasury features.

In the Humans Blockchain, the AI creation process belongs to researchers and developers specialized in AI, but the governance of AI is backed by users who can log into the platform and contribute to managing and controlling different pieces of AI. Users have at their disposal a streamlined interface through which they can access and verify AI. This design choice enables people who do not have a strong knowledge of AI to support the development process through an intuitive interface. With this approach, gives researchers and developers ownership and control of their AI models while enabling nontechnical people to get involved.

Merging AI and NFTs has a deep-seated transformational impact on the AI industry as a whole, reshaping decisive economic, business, and technological aspects, as well as providing a new approach to ownership and collaboration on AI:

·       A subjective approach to artificial intelligence: Traditionally, AI is used to gain insight and extract value from its users. In the Humans Blockchain, AIs are democratized and trained according to each user’s preferences and experiences.

·       AI owned by humans: AI NFTs and the rules inside of them ensure that AI is executed, deployed, and governed ethically. Furthermore, the technology developed by paves the way for the creator economy, in which creators own and monetize their digital assets, not the platform that hosts them.

·       Utility-driven approach: cryptocurrencies and NFTs will play an essential role in the Web3 economy. Artificial intelligence adds a layer of utility to NFTs, elevating them to a higher utility-driven art form that generates tangible value, paving the way for the AI economy.

·       Interoperability: The Humans Mainnet is interoperable with blockchains from the Cosmos ecosystem and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible blockchains. This feature enables the circulation of assets and AI services between different blockchain environments.

·       Subscription and investments: AI NFTs set a foundation for the creator economy where people can invest directly in their favourite creators and AI projects without needing the services of middlemen.

How to govern virtual companies built around AI believes that the AI of the future needs to become independent. The question that started our journey was straightforward — do we want AI to be monopolized by giant corporations, or do we want AI to be developed in an open, transparent, and permissionless ecosystem where anyone can play an active role and verify AI to see if it is being kept ethical?

Drawing inspiration from the initial concept of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, devised its own iteration of the concept, DAOs built around AI NFTs which introduce a democratic opportunity for every human around the world to participate in the development and management of the AI of the future. In the Humans Blockchain, the concept of Decentralized Autonomous Organization means that the governance principles inherent to this form of organization are applied to the AI algorithms and assets, which are managed collectively by the community as a whole, not by specific individuals.

Enabling the option to build this type of organization management structure around AIs has a profound transformational impact because AI is no longer a simple digital asset or commodity. It evolves into the heartbeat around which multiple parties reunite and collaborate to create a virtual company where people are designated different attributions and roles, such as allowing the execution of AI, transferring tokens, and voting to add or dismiss people from the DAO. To sum up, a DAO built around an AI NFT is an end-to-end management solution for AI projects launched on blockchain.

The built-in governance mechanisms allow this new NFT standard to have a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) built around it, a structure similar to a virtual company where people can buy shares in these new AI NFTs, vote for new training data, how much or who can stake in these AI NFTs, how to execute them and so on.

Complementing the governance features are the treasury features. The treasury mechanism manages all the stakes, collateral, and other value types inside the DAO. The governance and treasury features are the foundation for an ecosystem where developers and engineers can play freely and generate AI NFTs. After an AI NFT is generated, people can start consuming it through a Decentralized Application (DApp) called the AI Library, which enables anyone to access the AI NFTs on the Humans Blockchain.

Creating AI applications on Humans Blockchain

At its core, the AI Library is an AI marketplace designed to facilitate the creation of new decentralized AI applications. Opening an AI NFT in the AI Library allows users to build, through a series of semitechnical inputs, new AI applications. As a result, the focus for the near future is connecting with and onboarding developers, engineers, AI researchers, and universities to help populate the AI Library with a wide array of different AI NFTs, which users will later consume to generate new AI content. The infrastructure that makes this AI ecosystem possible is the Humans Mainnet. encourages people to participate in the decentralized governance of artificial intelligence and have an active role in its development. With its concept, aims to influence the future of AI development by placing people at the forefront of the Web3 revolution. Every human is challenged to take on an active role in shaping the future of artificial intelligence. We are no longer passive bystanders. We are builders of a better future!

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