
Humans Scale 101: How the ecosystem works

After carefully analyzing the pulse of the market, has concluded that in order for AI to prosper and reach its full potential, we need to colour outside the lines and embrace a more human-centric approach to this technology, one in which people can participate directly and contribute to support the development of artificial intelligence.

This approach is embodied by Scale, an AI Launchpad focused on blurring the boundaries between innovative ideas and the real world by enabling AI researchers and developers to migrate their AIs from Web2 to Web3. “With Scale, we are helping Web2 companies transition from Web2 to Web3. Basically, we are creating an economy around each AI, providing them with an alternative way of financing.” Stated Sabin Dima, Co-Founder and CEO.

Scale, a launchpad that propels AIs into Web3

At its core, Scale is designed as an AI Launchpad that unites together Venture Capitalists, people, AI companies and researchers towards a common goal, that of supporting the development of the AI of the future. By helping companies transition their AIs from Web2 to Web3, Scale is democratizing access to this technology, enabling anyone to contribute to its development by building an economy around each AI. Humans Scale is where all the pieces of the AI puzzle fall into place, where humans get together to build the AI of tomorrow.

Scale’s mission is to create a network of tech builders, investors, partners and mentors to help accelerate the development of successful Web3 businesses. Scale has already brought together a group of more than 20 VCs and marketing partners under its umbrella, like Morningstar, Next Chymia Consulting, BlockChange Ventures, Finch Capital, MACH4 Studios and Skynet Trading.

AIs - the heart of the Scale ecosystem

The vision employed by Scale is to transform AIs into AI NFTs, non-fungible tokens that encapsulate AIs and custom rules that designate when the AI can be utilized. Incorporating AI and governance capabilities into NFTs transforms them from basic proofs of ownership to intelligent, self-governing forms of ownership that enable richer experiences and a higher utility for researchers, artists, AI creators, NFT creators and consumers.

AI NFTs are a fundamental element of the Scale Launchpad. Every AI that adheres to Scale is transformed into an AI NFT that lives inside the Humans Blockchain. Using a blockchain specialized for AI comes with multiple benefits for all the parties involved:

· Scale Launchpad members, be they normal users, VCs or AI companies can see and interact with every AI NFT, to explore its functionalities and uncover its underlying potential.

· Blockchain enables the tokenization of artificial intelligence, enabling companies and researchers to build a decentralized economy around their AI technology.

· VCs are exposed to innovative AI projects which they can choose to back financially.

· Regular people get access to technology which otherwise would be inaccessible to them. They can also invest in AI projects to help support their development.

A major advantage of AI NFTs is that they can encapsulate any type of AI. Text to speech, text to video, text to image, any AI can become an AI NFT. The initial focus is on synthetic media-oriented AIs, but this does not mean that the technology is centred exclusively on this area. From data analysis to synthetic data generation, Scale can transform any AI into an AI NFT.

Oveit, the first company to join Scale

Oveit, an NFT ticketing and cashless payments company headquartered in Austin TX, USA, is the first project onboarded on Humans Scale. Oveit aims to develop artificial intelligence-powered NFT tickets for live-stream shopping. By adhering to Humans Scale, Oveit is getting ready to transition towards Web3 and the Metaverse by incorporating digital art.

Bringing its technology into the Scale Launchpad allows Oveit to make a seamless transition to Web3, where it has access to an AI NFT tailored to meet its business profile. Oveit’s AI NFT enables the company to generate tickets with unique artwork for events, festivals and concerts.

Scale for AI companies and researchers

The first actors that kick things off are the AI companies/researchers/developers who bring their AI into the Scale Launchpad, turning it into an AI NFT. In the near future, companies who want to be listed on Scale will be able to do so by accessing the Launchpad’s website and completing a form in which they describe their AI, its utility and what industry it serves. In the early stages, will organize various events with the goal of reaching out to AI researchers and companies, inviting them to take part in the launchpad.

Every AI listed on Scale will have its own token, which will be a building block for the economy that will take shape around it. For example, Oveit will have its own token in Scale, which will be used not only to finance the project but also in the governance of its AI. The utility of the token differs depending on the use case. Projects can also list their tokens on other exchanges. Gas fees and other functions related to the Humans Blockchain will be paid in $HEART.

Users - empowered to be part of the future

Users play an essential role in the Scale ecosystem, as they can directly support AI projects by investing in them. To join Scale, users are required to create an account and connect with their Metamask wallet. After their account is created, users can see all the projects listed on the platform.

$HEART is the governing currency of the Scale Launchpad. Users need it to interact with the platform, for staking and to invest in projects. Users who also own an NFT will benefit from an allocation boost.

Projects in Scale have multiple stages. In the first stage, the project is published and goes live on the launchpad. Once live, users can join the project’s Allow List to send $HEART to support it. The Allow List is an intermediary step in which users provide information like name and email and perform a KYC to validate their identity. After this step is complete, users can stake their $HEART to support the project. After a lock-on period, users are free to sell their crypto shares (the tokens of the project in question) in the project to turn in a profit. Users are free to support how many AI projects they want. Each project requires a separate KYC.

VCs - direct access to invest in the economy of AIs

Scale reunites multiple parties like AI companies and researchers who want to migrate their AI to Web3, normal users who form the community that will support the AI, and venture capitalists, around the common goal of raising the AI of the future.

Some projects listed on the Scale Launchpad will have a public and a private sale. VCs are a special user class that can access the private sale which takes place before a project is listed. Compared to regular users, VCs benefit from extended privileges, becoming partners with the projects they decide to back.

AI is the most powerful instrument humans have at their disposal, as it can answer the needs of many industries like healthcare, retail, and finance. The list of possible applications for AI is inexhaustible. But innovation comes at a high cost, and each AI project has unique requirements. This is where crypto VCs — via — can take a stance and act as agents that support and mentor the development of the AI of the future. is accelerating the impossible, driven by the mission to grant every human access to breakthrough web3 AI Technologies developed by incredible individuals, startups and research centres. Through Scale, VCs can support and partner with the AI companies of tomorrow.

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