HamburgetLogo launches a new Governance Proposal to modify Inflation parameters and enable Staking rewards

In a continuous pursuit of enhancing its decentralized governance framework, the Blockchain is gearing up to launch its new proposal to modify inflation parameters to enable staking rewards. This strategic initiative aims to refine and optimize the decision-making process within the network, aligning it with the evolving needs of the validator community and the dynamic blockchain landscape.

!!!The new Proposal can be seen here!!!

Blockchain governance proposals are a set of rules and protocols that guide the decision-making processes within a decentralized network. By design, governance proposals act as a formalized mechanism through which stakeholders can suggest, discuss, and vote on changes or updates to the blockchain’s protocol, parameters, or other critical aspects.

Their objective is to ensure a collaborative and inclusive approach to network management, where decisions are not dictated by a central authority but are collectively determined by the community.

Key Inflation Updates

As stated on Commonwealth,, they will adhere to a “Thirdening” schedule. This implies that each year, emissions will decrease by one-third compared to the previous year. This translates into the following numbers:

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

Year 1: Fixed inflation 12.8%

New HEART in year 1 = (+748,578,199)

Supply after year 1 = 6,598,578,199

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Year 2: Fixed inflation 7.56%

New HEART in year 2 = (+499,052,132.67)

Supply after year 2 = 7,097,630,331.67

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Year 3: Fixed inflation 4.69%

New HEART in year 3 = (+332,701,421.78)

Supply after year 3 = 7,430,331,753.45

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Year 4: Fixed inflation 2.99%

New HEART in year 4 = (+221,800,947.85)

Supply after year 4 = 7,652,132,701.3

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — -

Year 5: Fixed inflation 1.93%

New HEART in year 5 = (+147,867,298.7)

Supply after year 5 = 7,800,000,000

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As part of this governance proposal overhaul, three pivotal parameters are set to undergo significant changes in the upcoming validations:

These adjustments reflect’s commitment to maintaining a balance between incentivizing validator participation, mitigating inflationary pressures, and promoting a robust level of network security through bonded stake goals.

The inflation proposal parameter specifies the rules and conditions for adjusting the inflation rate. It includes parameters like the minimum and maximum inflation rates. These parameters are subject to change through governance proposals, allowing the community to collectively decide on adjustments based on the network’s needs, economic considerations, and other factors.

By having control over inflation parameters through governance, blockchain communities can fine-tune economic incentives, balance token issuance, and maintain a healthy and sustainable network. Adjusting inflation parameters is a crucial aspect of blockchain governance, as it directly impacts the economic dynamics and incentives for participants within the ecosystem.

Proposal Approval Criteria

For a governance proposal to successfully navigate the approval process, validators will now need to adhere to the following criteria:

Minimum Staked Tokens and Voter Turnout

Validators must cast votes amounting to at least 33.4% of the minimum staked tokens. This parameter ensures that a substantial portion of the network actively participates in the decision-making process, enhancing the legitimacy of the final decision.

Obtain a Majority of Yes Votes

A pivotal shift requires that a proposal must garner over 50% affirmative votes to be approved. This elevated threshold emphasizes the importance of a clear majority consensus before implementing changes, reinforcing the commitment to collective decision-making.

The end goal of the new changes is to enhance participation and facilitate prudent governance in the Blockchain Ecosystem.

Incentivizing Active Participation

By setting a minimum staked token threshold, the governance proposal mechanism incentivizes validators to actively participate in the decision-making process. This ensures that proposals are subjected to a thorough and meaningful evaluation by the network.

Consensus-Driven Decision Making

The increased majority requirement for affirmative votes injects a higher degree of consensus into the decision-making process. This not only safeguards against hasty or divisive changes but also promotes a more robust and collectively endorsed governance framework.

Striking the Inflationary Balance

Adjustments to inflation parameters demonstrate’s efforts to strike a balance between incentivizing validators through rewards and maintaining a stable economic environment within its blockchain ecosystem.


The new proposal to modify inflation parameters positions at the forefront of the evolving blockchain consensus paradigm. Embracing this forward-looking approach is poised to foster a more engaged, resilient, and adaptable community that actively shapes the trajectory of the ecosystem’s development.

These changes reflect a commitment to responsiveness, inclusivity, and prudent decision-making. As these changes unfold, the community is poised to witness a governance evolution that encapsulates the collective aspirations of its diverse stakeholders.

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