HamburgetLogo integrates with Skip API for easy cross-chain transfers

Big news for our token holders! is thrilled to announce its integration with the Skip API. This integration opens the door to seamless cross-chain transfers and swaps, marking a significant milestone in enhancing user experience and unlocking new possibilities for our community.

Simplifying Cross-Chain Transfers

The Skip API, renowned for its end-to-end interoperability platform, empowers developers to create smooth cross-chain experiences for users. Through a variety of underlying cross-chain messaging protocols like IBC, CCTP, Hyperlane, and Axelar, Skip facilitates effortless cross-chain transfers, making it easier than ever to navigate the complex blockchain ecosystem.

Benefits of Integration for

At, we’re committed to minimizing gas fees and streamlining direct transfers to native wallets. By leveraging the Skip API, our users will enjoy one-click cross-chain swaps directly from the Leap Wallet. This integration not only enhances accessibility but also amplifies the utility of our native token, $HEART, fostering a vibrant ecosystem where transactions are swift, seamless, and cost-effective.

Empowering the Community

Following the Skip API integration, the community and $HEART holders from all over the world can expect a series of benefits. From simplified cross-chain transfers to enhanced interoperability, this partnership signifies a significant step forward in shaping a new age of sovereign blockchain infrastructures. Our community can now explore multi-hop swaps, transfers, and more, all within the convenience of one-click transactions, thanks to the unified REST/RPC service provided by Skip.

Pioneering a New Era

As Skip continues to push the boundaries of blockchain technology, is proud to be at the forefront of innovation, embracing solutions that redefine the way we interact with decentralized networks. With a restaked oracle ensuring the highest-performance DeFi, Skip is trusted by top chains in Cosmos, cementing its position as a key player in shaping the future of blockchain interoperability.

Our integration with Skip API heralds a new era of possibilities for cross-chain transfers and swaps. Together, we’re shaping a future where blockchain interoperability is seamless, intuitive, and accessible to everyone.

Join us as we embark on this transformative journey towards a more interconnected blockchain ecosystem!

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