
$HEART — the heartbeat of the ecosystem

Our history is a story of creators. We are, the ecosystem that empowers people to raise, control, and own AI. Combining the power of blockchain with Artificial Intelligence, allows anyone anywhere to create and scale their potential to infinite. How do we do it? The answer rests in our unique token backed by humans. We name it $HEART, the token that enables anyone to participate in the governance of the platform and facilitate key flows of value within it.

To reflect its namesake, created a total supply of 7,800,000,000 $HEART tokens. The actual circulating amount of $HEART to be listed at the exchange is 335,200,000 $HEART tokens.

Leveraging blockchain technology to control the AI via Proof-of-Human solution, is taking the token process to a whole new level. The team behind the project created a next-generation blockchain platform with a state of the art token utility at its heart.

$HEART plays the central role in the governance and payments system within the ecosystem. Humans utilize NFTs to recognize assets within its ecosystem (algorithms, data, AIs) and ensure contributions to delivering valuable outcomes are adequately accounted for and recognized.

While the NFTs represent the ownership over the digital asset itself, the ERC20 tokens represent the rights to govern the NFT and the rights to any revenues it may generate.

To participate in the governance system, a user must have a validated account and stake a minimum amount of $HEART for the life of their account. Similarly, to participate in the governance over an NFT, the user will need to possess and stake that NFT’s governance token.

What is an ERC20 token

To understand the token utility and specifics, you need to understand what an ERC20 token is.

ERC- 20 emerged as the technical standard for Ethereum based tokens, acting as a foundation for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for token implementation. The ERC-20 token standard also covers a set of rules that all Ethereum-based tokens must follow, such as how the tokens can be transferred, how transactions are approved, how users can access data about a token, and the total supply of tokens.

ERC-20 tokens are blockchain-based digital assets that can act as storage of value and can be sent and received between network participants. Compared to other cryptocurrencies, ERC-20 tokens do not run on their own blockchain, running only on the Ethereum network.

How it works

As the native token of the Humans ecosystem, the $HEART token empowers anybody to participate in the governance of the platform and facilitates key flows of value within it. All fees charged by the Humans platform will be paid in $HEART, even when payment originates in fiat or another accepted cryptocurrency. Generally, the App can choose what kinds of payments to accept from its clients but it will still have to pay in $HEART tokens for the services provided at the Humans platform.

One of the primary functions of $HEART is to facilitate staking. Staking $HEART is required to perform key functions within the Humans ecosystem, including:

Additionally, $HEART will serve as the default incentive as various stakeholders contribute key value to the ecosystem. These incentives include rewards for:

Governance is paramount in the ecosystem as we are putting humans at the forefront of the AI revolution with the sole objective to align the AI’s objective with ours. Governance stems from everything we do and it will play a central role in our ecosystem.

We have governance at 2 different levels — protocol level and AI NFT level. The protocol level governance is well documented and will respect the current governance standards and workings with communities and large projects like Terra, Cosmos, Osmosis, etc.

We are proposing a new way to govern AI NFTs (trained algorithms) like DAOs in which the owner can choose to share a part or all of the control with relevant community members who may want a stake in the respective data product. Considering the AI NFT will generate economic value in direct proportion with the usefulness of the NFT, the owners of the AI NFT DAO tokens will have a say over the pool of $HEART collected by the AI NFT from accepted requests. For example, the data provider of voice can set restrictions on what kind of requests for voice minting can be accepted (e.g. only business videos), and human validators will check every request to comply with these restrictions. But if the data provider chooses a DAO-style for the product governance, the community members will have a say on what kind of restrictions to impose.

Proof of Human

Proof-of-Human is the cornerstone of our decentralised ecosystem. Everything that we do stems from the fact that we put humans at the forefront of this AI revolution. Humans become validators in an attempt to build the framework to contain, manage and govern AI.

Proof-of-Human is a new blockchain consensus which relies on humans to leverage their biometric data in order to prove that a specific AI is still under close biological supervision. empowers people to participate in governance, management and decide the fate of any AI, essentially making sure that the objective of the AI is aligned with the human’s objective. ecosystem is based on the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanism, which relies on validators to secure the network. The role of the validators is to run a full validation node and participate in the consensus by broadcasting votes which contain cryptographic marks signed by their respective owners. Validation Nodes commit new blocks in the blockchain and receive rewards in exchange for this to happen. They also play a role in the governance of the ecosystem by expressing votes on new proposals. These votes are weighted according to their total stake. Staking is the process where the validator’s weight is determined by the amount of $HEART tokens staked, locked as collateral. These $HEART tokens can be staked directly by the validator. From that point, they become validators, and the system will calculate how often this validator will have to propose a block and the reward for the proposal.

About is a next-generation blockchain platform that brings together an ecosystem of stakeholders around the use of AI to create at scale.

Introducing the first framework for ethical AI and blockchain, is creating an all-in-one platform for AI-based creation and governance at scale. Through its creative studio, token-based ownership, and accountability system, is designed to ensure that contributions are fairly rewarded and that every AI is kept honest over the long term. The governance system will provide oversight to the technical and other functional aspects of the ecosystem, as well as to the creation and usage of AIs via the NFTs. Users can also submit proposals for the improvement of the ecosystem and/or raise concerns regarding an AI, App, or other usages for ethical review.

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