
Exploring synergies between and RAK DAO: Pioneering the AI Innovation Zone in UAE’s Ras Al Khaimah

In a historic move that promises to reshape the landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) innovation, the Ras Al Khaimah Digital Assets Oasis (RAK DAO) and have united their forces within the picturesque Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. This collaboration marks the dawn of a new era for AI-focused enterprises, ushering in a wave of innovation, technology, and economic growth.

Building an AI Powerhouse in Ras Al Khaimah

The core objective of this strategic partnership is to establish an innovative platform that propels the growth of AI enterprises within the Ras Al Khaimah emirate. With the robust framework provided by’s groundbreaking blockchain for AIs, RAK DAO aims to create an environment where AI companies can thrive, innovate, and contribute to the technological advancement of the region.

“The first 100 AI companies that choose to establish themselves in RAK will receive an extra incentive package, allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. This presents AI company and startup founders with an exceptional chance to capitalize on the most advantageous setting for fostering their AI businesses”, informs James Bernard, RAK DAO Chief Commercial Officer (COO).

A Symbiotic Partnership: Unlocking AI Potential

The partnership between RAK DAO and is a testament to the power of collaboration. provides access to its cutting-edge technological tools and crucial consulting support to aspiring entrepreneurs and startups seeking to establish their presence in Ras Al Khaimah. This partnership sees expanding its physical footprint in the region as the RAK DAO program takes flight.

Commenting on the newly established partnership between the two companies, James Bernard, RAK DAO CCO, underlined that “AI companies will benefit from the expertise of and support from operational partners like, but also from an extensive web of potential collaborators in the domain. RAK DAO will bring together entrepreneurs and bright minds from the industry, offering a platform for fruitful cooperation. Both and RAK DAO are firmly dedicated to leveraging planned joint initiatives such as Accelerators and Venture Studios to unleash the innovation potential of all these companies, ultimately nurturing the expansion of the landscape.”

AI companies within RAK DAO are set to benefit immensely from this partnership. They will gain access to’s partner ecosystem, granting them a treasure trove of services ranging from toolkits and decentralized applications (Dapps) to tech solutions and investment opportunities. This ecosystem will provide them with the necessary support to flourish in an increasingly competitive AI landscape.

“The RAK DAO ecosystem also provides state-of-the-art infrastructure and tech-enabled alternative workspaces which comprise office spaces, co-working areas, collaboration and event spaces, and more.” highlights the RAK DAO representative.

A Blockchain Framework for the Future

One of the central pillars of this collaboration is the utilization of’s innovative blockchain for AIs. This pioneering technology provides a secure and immutable foundation for AI innovations. It ensures that all AI actions are transparent, unchangeable, and verifiable, opening new doors for entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life efficiently and in alignment with best practices.

While talking about the infrastructure provided by RAK DAO’s partner company, James Bernard explains:

“The blockchain, where AI innovations will be built, was created to help build decentralized applications in a secure setting. This state-of-the-art technology ensures that all AI actions are solid, unchanging, and verifiable, which opens up fresh opportunities for entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life with efficiency and in line with best practices.”

This collaboration strives to foster a regulatory framework that not only promotes AI innovation but also ensures safety measures are upheld. By doing so, the partnership aims to facilitate a streamlined and highly effective business ecosystem for AI enterprises within Ras Al Khaimah.

Revolutionizing AI Adoption in Ras Al Khaimah

The synergy between and RAK DAO isn’t just about technology; it’s about creating an ecosystem that nurtures entrepreneurship and AI adoption. By providing specialized services and support tailored to AI companies, RAK DAO is setting the stage for Ras Al Khaimah to become a regional and global leader in AI technology adoption.

To shed more light on the synergies between and RAK DAO, James Bernard underscores that “At RAK DAO, our objective is to provide specialized services to companies with a focus on Blockchain and AI, benefiting from tailored support from operational partners like This is the initial phase of a bright future for AI advancement in Ras Al Khaimah. We are actively working together to simplify regulations and administrative procedures for AI enterprises and foster a streamlined and effective business environment for AI companies operating in RAK. The experts at will propose and uphold regulatory frameworks that encourage AI innovation while ensuring necessary safeguards.”

As RAK DAO envisions the Emirate as a global tech hub, the partnership with takes center stage. This collaboration has the potential to revolutionize how industries operate, bolstering security, transparency, and overall efficiency. The unique blockchain for AIs developed by empowers AI companies within RAK DAO, offering them an environment where they can govern and execute their AI models with the utmost transparency and reliability.

A Glimpse into the Future

In a world driven by technology and innovation, the partnership between and RAK DAO stands as a beacon of progress. It promises to reshape the AI technology landscape in the UAE’s Ras Al Khaimah and lays the foundation for a future where AI-powered solutions lead the way. As AI companies within RAK DAO flourish under this collaboration, the region is poised to embrace the AI revolution, driving economic growth and technological advancement.

“At RAK DAO, we see Ras Al Khaimah as a global tech hub and an organically growing community. This collaboration will revolutionize the development of artificial intelligence applications and facilitate the transformation of various industries. Through the integration of blockchain, AI has the potential to revolutionize how companies bolster their security, transparency, and overall efficiency. A trailblazer in this area, created the first blockchain designed specifically for AI. By becoming part of the RAK DAO ecosystem, will offer vital assistance to RAK DAO and its members, opening the door to fast-track growth and innovation in the sector”, concludes the RAK DAO CCO.
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